Do you have a telescope that you would like to learn how to use?

What type telescope should I buy. See: Telescope tips on buying

Were you given a telescope as a present and want to figure out what you can see with it?

Are you having trouble understanding some of the instructions that came with your new telescope?

Then you are like 99% of the people who buy telescopes every year!

YCAS offers special opportunities for new telescope users to learn how to use their telescopes more effectively.

Learn how to set up the telescope, how to understand the different powers and eyepieces, how to use the equatorial or goto features.

Review the YCAS page for next date for clinic. (see Schedule). These clinics allow people to bring telescopes that they own and learn how to use theme for more effectively. YCAS members will be on hand to answer questions people have about the telescopes they own and to help them learn how to use them to find objects in the nighttime sky. These clinics are free and open to the public. They will only be held if it is clear out. The YCAS phone (949-963-9147) can be called to find out if the session is going to be held or not

If You Have A Question Concerning Telescopes, ask a YCAS Telescope expert using the E-Mail or better yet, come to a meeting!

Additional online information below.

Telescopes from the ground up. 


For more information email YCAS

IreneJackson Astronomy, OBSERVATORY ,