Private planetarium program are available throughout the year by reservation. For more information contact.
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“From the Blue Planet to the Red Planet”Journey to the year 2132 as we follow Carina, a young woman stationed on Mars, as she communicates with her brother Aidan back on Earth. Experience living on a futuristic Mars colony, and ride a rover across the Martian surface. Children and adults alike will learn about the differences between Earth and Mars and what it might be like to live and work on another planet. | |
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“Skywatchers of Africa”For thousands of years, Africans have used their knowledge of the sky to build their societies, shape their spiritual lives, and meet their physical needs for survival. Skywatchers of Africa highlights the diversity of African astronomy, examines cultural uses of the sky that developed throughout history, and celebrates our shared human experience. Skywatchers of Africa is recommended for ages 4 and up. Show length: 32 minutes. | |
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“Rusty Rockets Last Blast” In �Rusty Rocket�s Last Blast�, Rusty Rocket has decided to retire from teaching rocket physics and this will be his last blast, and he already has plans for how he will spend his free time. Still there is one final mission to command: an introductory tour of the solar system for a new class of rocket rookies focusing on the wide variety of planetary environments. Along the way, we learn Rusty is related to every famous spacecraft to explore the solar system. He also emphasizes the immense distances between the planets using cars and jets for comparison.
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” New Horizon’s “New Horizon’s begins with a brief introduction to the mythology of Pluto, and then explores the question: why go to Pluto? From there, we launch into a tour of the night sky, pointing out the locations of deep sky objects through familiar constellation hopping and displaying spectacular images of those objects at various wavelengths. Each time, we discuss how specific instruments on board the New Horizons spacecraft image at those same wavelengths, highlighting the objectives the instrument intends to meet at Pluto Encounter and how the objectives were �rehearsed� at Jupiter Encounter. |
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“Two Small Pieces of Glass”
Learn about telescopes in the planetarium program �Two Small Pieces of Glass.� While attending a local star party, two teenage students learn how the telescope has helped us understand our place in space and how telescopes continue to expand our understanding of the Universe. Their conversation with a local female astronomer enlightens them on the history of the telescope and the discoveries these wonderful tools have made. The students see how telescopes work and how the largest observatories in the world use these instruments to explore the mysteries of the universe. Show length: 25 minutes.
“The Planets” A Voyage Across Our Solar System.” Join us for a grand voyage across the solar system. The 36-minute program is an exciting tour of the Solar System that looks at each planet as well as Solar System formation and extra-solar planets. The program is narrated by Kate Mulgrew (of Star Trek: Voyager), written by Jon Bell, music by Jonn Serrie, and animations by Allen Davis
“Space Dreams ” People have always looked to the stars and dreamed. Some have even dreamed of traveling to the Moon and beyond. Today those dreams have started to come true. Learn about Native American star stories, the ancient Greek ideas of space travel as well as the present realities and future hopes of our eternal quest for the stars. Program recommended for ages 12 and above.
“Winter Wonders” Winter Wonders looks at the time of the winter solstice, the point where the noontime sun is lowest in the sky. Join Jackie and Michelle, |
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Planetarium Show Spotlights Tonight�s Constellations and Tour of the Solar System Learn how to find the planets and constellations that are visible in York�s night sky. Become a star watcher by exploring the current night sky, locate visible planets and constellations, and enjoy some sky lore. Receive a star map and get answers to questions such as: What can be seen with a telescope tonight? The Public Program presented is: Starwatch. In this month’s planetarium presentation you become a star watcher by exploring the current night sky at the planetarium, locate visible planets and constellations, and enjoy some sky lore. You will receive a star map to take home. After some programs (weather permitting) telescopes may be set up outside after the presentation. While programs are geared toward families they may not be appropriate for very young children who are not able to sit through 35-minute presentations.
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�Max Goes to the Moon� New Children�s Planetarium Show �Max Goes to the Moon�, Max (the dog) and a young girl named Tori take the first trip to the Moon since the Apollo era. Along the way, the story sets the stage for the more sophisticated science of the topics including “Phases of the Moon,” “Wings in Space?,” and “Frisbees and Curve Balls on the Moon” � all thoughtfully explained so that grownups and children can learn together about science. Toward the end, Max and Tori’s trip proves so inspiring to people back on Earth that all the nations of the world come together to build a great Moon colony from which “the beautiful views of Earth from the Moon made everyone realize that we all share a small and precious planet.” See Trailer below:
Free �How to Buy an Astronomical Telescope� Are you planning to buy for your family or yourself an astronomical telescope for the upcoming holidays? There are many pitfalls in buying a new telescope and much to consider before you spend your money. To help get you started properly, the York County Astronomical Society is offering a New Telescope Clinic including a presentation on How to Buy an Astronomical Telescope to provide information and advice regarding how to buy your first optical astronomical telescope. We are planning on doing a short hands-on demonstration immediately afterwards outside the Planetarium. |
New �Flight Adventures� full-dome Planetarium Show
�Flight Adventures� �Flight Adventures� In our new full-dome planetarium program �Flight Adventures,� dreams of flying, model aircraft and a young girl and her grandfather come together in this multi-media planetarium show about the science of aeronautics. Learn about famous inventors and aviators of the past and the pioneers who first revealed the 4 forces of flight. See images of aircraft past, present and future and imagine where flight might take us. Presented in high-definition full-dome digital video, “Flight Adventures” is unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. Watch preview: Flight Adventures Run time : 30 minutes
�Comets & Discovery� In our other new full-dome planetarium program �Comets & Discovery� we follow two intrepid comet hunters in first-person. One, a modern explorer. The other, Caroline Herschel. The famous 18th century comet huntress that ruled the skies for many generations. With both, we learn how they each searched the skies, made their discoveries, and reported them for other astronomers to bear out. We also learn about, depending on the century of the observer, what people thought comets were and their importance to them. Show length is about 25 minutes and is great for the whole family; specifically ages 3rd grade to adult.
New Fulldome Planetarium Show
“A Part of the Sky Called Orion” In our other new Fulldome planetarium program, A Part of the Sky Called Orion tells about the Greek, Egyptian, and Inupiaq cultures. We learn how each viewed the same stars, but had different stories and images. Told in first-person in the context of the teller�s life, we experience their ancient star lore and imagery. Run time: 26 minutes
“Chasing the Ghost Particle: From the South Pole to the Edge of the Universe” Deep in the ice at the heart of Antarctica, the biggest and strangest detector in the world waits for mysterious messengers from the cosmos. The detector is IceCube! The messengers are neutrinos�ghostly particles that give us tantalizing looks into world of exploding stars and black holes. This show tells the incredible story of how an international team of scientists and engineers transformed one billion tons of Antarctic ice into a telescope. Building IceCube was a titanic endeavor driven by our human passion for discovery. Witness stunning views of the South Pole, captivating animations of the IceCube detectors capturing a neutrino collision�and eye-catching views of the cosmos. a journey you will never forget. See Preview below
Run time : 31 minutes
New Fulldome Planetarium Show |
“Back To The Moon For Good” Back To The Moon For Good, an exciting, educational fulldome show narrated by award-winning actor Tim Allen, premieres at York Learning Center Planetarium. The 25-minute digital film highlights the history of exploring the moon and provides an insider�s look at the teams vying for the $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE, the largest incentivized prize in history. Back To The Moon For Good begins with a tour through the history of lunar exploration, tracing back to the 1960s and 1970s. We hear from some of the teams racing to land a robotic spacecraft on the moon and win the Google Lunar XPRIZE. The audience is taken on a successful launch, landing and tour of the lunar surface. The show ends with an enticing visualization of a future settlement on the moon. Show length 25-minutes
“SUNSTRUCK”Discover the wonders of our Sun. Its incredible energy has supported life on Earth for millennia, but is now threatening our technology and way of life. Travel to the distant future to discover our Sun�s connection to the universe�s cosmic cycle of life and death in Sunstruck. Recommended for ages 8 and up. |
From Earth To The Universe
The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity�s oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this journey of celestial discovery, from the theories of the ancient Greek astronomers to today�s grandest telescopes, we invite you to experience From Earth to the Universe. Runtime 30 minutes. Audience 14-18 Adults. See trailer below.
“Cosmic Castaways” When you look into the sky, the background not-quite-blackness is filled with the diffuse light light of stars lost in the space between galaxies, these are the cosmic castaways. When galaxies pass in the night they gravitationally twist and turn one another. Sometimes the interactions are nothing more than a cosmic side-swipe; two galaxies cross and both come out a little bit damaged. Sometimes the interactions merge and where once two shiny galaxies orbited now only once bursts with the light of a billion stars. No matter what happens, these events leave stellar orphans. As the galaxies tear into one another, stars get gravitationally trapped in a tug-a-war between the two systems. Eventually, both galaxies will give up their pulling and let the stars drop. These stars are left abandoned in the space between the galaxies and scattered around the newly formed systems. Suitable for 10 to adult. See Preview below. |