For information on events, scheduling a private party star watch, directions to the observing site, or for general Society information please email YCAS at: E-Mail YCAS Membership applications are available upon request. |
Aerial Photo Of YCAS Observatory. Photo by Matt Hollinger
Above the YCAS 2.5 Meter Observa-DOME is moved to storage.
The YCAS Observatory is located at John Rudy Park in York Pennsylvania.
The Society owns 4 research-grade telescopes.
13.1′ f/4.5 Coultier Dobsonian. Stored
12′ Meade SCT computerized goto telescope.
10″ SCT Meade telescope. Stored
4.5′ Newtonian telescope.
4′ Astro-Physics Refractor telescope.
Celestron NexStar i 8 GoTo telescope with GPS for member loaner telescope.
Two 8′ Dobsonian telescopes for member loaner telescope.
Coronado PST Solar Telescope for member loaner telescope.
The Society also has a 12′ dish antenna for radio astronomy, and associated electronic recording equipment.